Sunday, 21 October 2012

Will Power - how do you get it?

When I see my WEIGHT LOSS and STOP SMOKING clients one of the first reasons that they have for failing to achieve their goals is "I have no Willpower". So what is this magic willpower and how you you get it? Most of my clients actually come to me wanting me to "fix them" and the first thing I tell them is that I dont "fix" anyone but what I do is show and explain to you how you can actually fix yourself - and often its really easy.

The amount of effort, or will power that we put in to anything at all depends upon what we get back. We dont do anything unless their is a BENEFIT. One of the problems is that when you have tried to do something a number of times, and failed all the time, how much effort will you actually put in the next time you try - if you expect to fail and probably feel even worse once you have failed than you feel now then I dont think you will put much effort in at all. Take it one step further - if I said to you I would give you 20p a mile to get round the London Marathon course next April how much effort would you put in? Would you even get out of bed for 20p a mile? However is I said I would give you £20000 a mile I bet you would put in more effort and maybe even go training down the gym to get fitter. So the bigger the reward or benefit the more effort you put in. Its the same with weight loss - if you lose that 2 stone how will your life be different? What will you do or be able to do that you cant do now? If the benefits are not there, and in sufficient quantity, you wont put the effort in.

I very occasionaly get a client for HYPNO-BAND that comes in to see me a bit disappointed about what they have lost in weight over the last week, maybe a couple of pounds. My first question is how much effort have you put in last week? Then follows an indignant look and the response of loads of effort. OK then I say, on my famous scale of 1-10 where ten is loads and one is... well couldn't give a monkeys... how much effort? The response is normally at least 6 effort to which I reply - Well 2 weeks ago you told me you wanted to lose this weight 10/10 so why only put in 6 effort. We need to change that mindset and thats what we work on.

If you want to change your life around but maybe feel a little powerless or lack willpower then give me a call on 01234-313186 or email me on as I can help you.

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