The papers have recently been stating that " There is no quick fix to losing weight" but I think all of those people who have been on diets and focussed on weight loss for a long time already know that. Past experiences have developed a HUGE negative belief system about weight loss - such as its going to be hard, I will probably fail - so when they do eventually fail its only what they expected to happen anyway. But if you expect to fail how much effort will you actually put in to lose that weight? How much responsibility will YOU take to lose the weight or are you looking for that quick fix or for someone to lose the weight for you?
I tend to see one common factor with almost everyone who comes to see me at either my Bromham or my Milton Keynes office for weight loss, and in particular the Hypno-Band... their personality type. So if you have been trying to lose weight for many many years, lose weight then put it on again, try a different diet, lose and put on again, then let me try and use my "mind-reading skills" to tell you a little about yourself:
OK so close your eyes so I can concentrate ... the mists are clearing... I can see that you are very much a people person, put other people first, give fantastic advice to others but dont often take your own advice, you are sensitive and often over-sensative, you can have mood swings being happy one minute and a bit sad the next, you also have an all or nothing attitude - if there is a bar of chocolate in the fridge you cant just have one piece - you can have none and it will stay there for weeks but have one chunk and you have to finish it off.. well how did I do?
Your personality type has a huge amount to do with your weight loss efforts, as does managing your thinking. In my opinion the only weight loss Programme that helps you to overcome these hurdles is the Hypno_Band Programme. My job is to change your belief system about losing weight, and then give you the tools to make that permanent weight loss possible. You have to take responsibility to change your relationship with food by using these tools, you have to put the effort in, but with my work and your effort it is possible for you to lose all that you want to lose - Lorraine lost over 5 stone, as did Julia and many others. In fact Jane lost nine and a half stone.
Call me on 01234-313186 or email me on if the time is now right for you to change your life.
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