Saturday, 20 October 2012

Resolving Depression without Drugs, Fact or Fiction?

Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can have a negative effect on a person's thoughts, behavior, feelings, and well being. Its probably fair to say that we have all felt "depressed" at some time in our life, we may have even known someone who was/is "clinically depressed" a family member maybe or a friend. Most often the first course of action with depression is to visit a doctor and get prescribed something to "make them feel better".

However I see many people in my Bedford and Milton Keynes Clinics each week who have been depressed for a long while, often many many years, and been given tablets but who often dont want to take the the tables through fear of becoming dependent upon them, and they invariably often end up not taking them. I would never advocate not taking prescribed tablets but maybe deep down these people actually know there may be a different way, or that they can combine the tablets with something different as well... But their feelings of being powerless to change things hold them back from taking that responsibility...

There is another route you can try - it will certainly help minimise the symptoms and in many cases resolve them. Its called THRIVE and is all about retraining your brain to think differently, managing your thinking, getting you to take control back in your life, choosing what you let affect you and what not, getting to grips with your imagination, and basically possibly for the first time understanding who you are and that there are many things you may like to change about yourself and you actually CAN make those changes and often quite easily.

Its not your fault that you may have a "mis-managed" way of thinking about things. Lets be honest our parents taught us how to brush our hair, clean our teeth, have a wash, tie our shoelaces, ride a bike, cross the road and then at school we are taught Maths, History, English etc but WHO ever taught us how to manage our thoughts and our emotions. The answer is no-one ever did so its something we learn or attempt to learn as we go through life. That means its very easy to pick up bad habits of thinking and then develop a HUGE negative belief system that tells us "I cant", "Its too difficult", I will fail, "It wont work" etc... But these bad habits of thinking are easy to change if you are prepared to put a bit of work in.

So are you prepared to put in a bit of work - I can help you with resolving your symptoms of depression, but also so much more. You have only to look at my WEBSITE to see the range of SYMPTOMS that my Hypnotherapy and Thrive training can assist you with. Why not make that call or email now - get the life back that you deserve. Call me on 01234-313186 or email on

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