Wednesday, 24 October 2012

New Year Resolutions - 8 Weeks and Counting !!

I just heard on TV this morning that its only 8 weeks until many will be once again swearing that that will finally get down to losing weight or stopping smoking. The problem is that its more than likely the same thing they decided to do last year, and the year before that. They start off with the best intentions and then once again IT all goes wrong !!! What is this magic IT that messes up their life year after year? Well I have decided now is the time that you need to be shocked out of you skin. So guess what ... there is no IT !! Its you - you cock up !! Year after year after year you have failed to stick to your New Year Resolution and thats why you will probably fail again this coming year.You have got used to failure and now you almost expect to fail even before you have started.

UNLESS.... you decide that its about time YOU took some responsibility for your actions, stop blaming "IT" and feeling a victim ( bad things always happen to me) and instead dont wait for the 1st January 2013 but decide you want to change your life NOW !!

I can help you - I cant lose the weight or stop smoking the ciggies for you BUT I can give you all the tools that you need to change your belief system and find it easy to lose weight ( without being on a diet) or to Stop Smoking and become a non-smoker. Please call me now on 01234-313186, visit my Website,or email me at

Monday, 22 October 2012

Touch Wood and Cross Fingers - More than just Mumbo-Jumbo

I have just finished a session with a top European Ski instructor - who has had a mismanaged thinking about whether or not they can progress to the next level of their career path and pass the next exam. I was trying to explain the difference between rehearsing success and rehearsing failure. I asked what her thoughts are when she is at the top of the slope looking down at the piste and the gates... her first though would have been "touch wood" but as we have done a couple of sessions she stopped herself saying it !! What does that say about you and how much responsibility YOU take for your life and its outcomes if you put the result of a tough skiing exam down to whether or not you had touched wood - an inanimate plank or similar. It sounds ridiculous doesnt it but thats what many people do:-) Crossing your fingers is just as bad!! Why?

Because at the moment you touch wood or cross your fingers its the same as you saying " Im taking no responsibility for this outcome - I am putting all of my faith in someone or something else" and if it works out then its not down to me and if it doesnt then its not my responsibility either. If you want something to happen in your life firstly think about what outcome you want and then secondly take steps to MAKE it happen.. That is what we call having an Internal Locus of Control or taking responsibility for life and its outcomes.

You need to not rely on luck, fate, chance, and paranormal beliefs. Dont put all of your faith for things happening in other people and start to have belief in your own abilities. The work that I do with THRIVE can put YOU back in control of YOUR life - show you how to become calm and relaxed rather than anxious and stresses. The beauty is that if you are willing to put some effort into managing your thinking better than it is in fact quite easy.

Call me now on 01234 313186 or email me on to take that first step to getting control back in YOUR life.

Sunday, 21 October 2012

Will Power - how do you get it?

When I see my WEIGHT LOSS and STOP SMOKING clients one of the first reasons that they have for failing to achieve their goals is "I have no Willpower". So what is this magic willpower and how you you get it? Most of my clients actually come to me wanting me to "fix them" and the first thing I tell them is that I dont "fix" anyone but what I do is show and explain to you how you can actually fix yourself - and often its really easy.

The amount of effort, or will power that we put in to anything at all depends upon what we get back. We dont do anything unless their is a BENEFIT. One of the problems is that when you have tried to do something a number of times, and failed all the time, how much effort will you actually put in the next time you try - if you expect to fail and probably feel even worse once you have failed than you feel now then I dont think you will put much effort in at all. Take it one step further - if I said to you I would give you 20p a mile to get round the London Marathon course next April how much effort would you put in? Would you even get out of bed for 20p a mile? However is I said I would give you £20000 a mile I bet you would put in more effort and maybe even go training down the gym to get fitter. So the bigger the reward or benefit the more effort you put in. Its the same with weight loss - if you lose that 2 stone how will your life be different? What will you do or be able to do that you cant do now? If the benefits are not there, and in sufficient quantity, you wont put the effort in.

I very occasionaly get a client for HYPNO-BAND that comes in to see me a bit disappointed about what they have lost in weight over the last week, maybe a couple of pounds. My first question is how much effort have you put in last week? Then follows an indignant look and the response of loads of effort. OK then I say, on my famous scale of 1-10 where ten is loads and one is... well couldn't give a monkeys... how much effort? The response is normally at least 6 effort to which I reply - Well 2 weeks ago you told me you wanted to lose this weight 10/10 so why only put in 6 effort. We need to change that mindset and thats what we work on.

If you want to change your life around but maybe feel a little powerless or lack willpower then give me a call on 01234-313186 or email me on as I can help you.

Saturday, 20 October 2012

Resolving Depression without Drugs, Fact or Fiction?

Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can have a negative effect on a person's thoughts, behavior, feelings, and well being. Its probably fair to say that we have all felt "depressed" at some time in our life, we may have even known someone who was/is "clinically depressed" a family member maybe or a friend. Most often the first course of action with depression is to visit a doctor and get prescribed something to "make them feel better".

However I see many people in my Bedford and Milton Keynes Clinics each week who have been depressed for a long while, often many many years, and been given tablets but who often dont want to take the the tables through fear of becoming dependent upon them, and they invariably often end up not taking them. I would never advocate not taking prescribed tablets but maybe deep down these people actually know there may be a different way, or that they can combine the tablets with something different as well... But their feelings of being powerless to change things hold them back from taking that responsibility...

There is another route you can try - it will certainly help minimise the symptoms and in many cases resolve them. Its called THRIVE and is all about retraining your brain to think differently, managing your thinking, getting you to take control back in your life, choosing what you let affect you and what not, getting to grips with your imagination, and basically possibly for the first time understanding who you are and that there are many things you may like to change about yourself and you actually CAN make those changes and often quite easily.

Its not your fault that you may have a "mis-managed" way of thinking about things. Lets be honest our parents taught us how to brush our hair, clean our teeth, have a wash, tie our shoelaces, ride a bike, cross the road and then at school we are taught Maths, History, English etc but WHO ever taught us how to manage our thoughts and our emotions. The answer is no-one ever did so its something we learn or attempt to learn as we go through life. That means its very easy to pick up bad habits of thinking and then develop a HUGE negative belief system that tells us "I cant", "Its too difficult", I will fail, "It wont work" etc... But these bad habits of thinking are easy to change if you are prepared to put a bit of work in.

So are you prepared to put in a bit of work - I can help you with resolving your symptoms of depression, but also so much more. You have only to look at my WEBSITE to see the range of SYMPTOMS that my Hypnotherapy and Thrive training can assist you with. Why not make that call or email now - get the life back that you deserve. Call me on 01234-313186 or email on

Losing Weight is Easy !!

The papers have recently been stating that " There is no quick fix to losing weight" but I think all of those people who have been on diets and focussed on weight loss for a long time already know that. Past experiences have developed a HUGE negative belief system about weight loss - such as its going to be hard, I will probably fail - so when they do eventually fail its only what they expected to happen anyway. But if you expect to fail how much effort will you actually put in to lose that weight? How much responsibility will YOU take to lose the weight or are you looking for that quick fix or for someone to lose the weight for you?

I tend to see one common factor with almost everyone who comes to see me at either my Bromham or my Milton Keynes office for weight loss, and in particular the Hypno-Band... their personality type. So if you have been trying to lose weight for many many years, lose weight then put it on again, try a different diet, lose and put on again, then let me try and use my "mind-reading skills" to tell you a little about yourself:

OK so close your eyes so I can concentrate ... the mists are clearing... I can see that you are very much a people person, put other people first, give fantastic advice to others but dont often take your own advice, you are sensitive and often over-sensative, you can have mood swings being happy one minute and a bit sad the next, you also have an all or nothing attitude - if there is a bar of chocolate in the fridge you cant just have one piece - you can have none and it will stay there for weeks but have one chunk and you have to finish it off.. well how did I do?

Your personality type has a huge amount to do with your weight loss efforts, as does managing your thinking. In my opinion the only weight loss Programme that helps you to overcome these hurdles is the Hypno_Band Programme. My job is to change your belief system about losing weight, and then give you the tools to make that permanent weight loss possible. You have to take responsibility to change your relationship with food by using these tools, you have to put the effort in, but with my work and your effort it is possible for you to lose all that you want to lose - Lorraine lost over 5 stone, as did Julia and many others. In fact Jane lost nine and a half stone.

Call me on 01234-313186 or email me on if the time is now right for you to change your life.