One of the biggest issues that I get clients present for is for symptoms relating to STRESS and ANXIETY. Lets face it with what is going on in the world, and more closely around us everyday, is it any wonder that it can sometimes be difficult to manage our own thinking properly? How many times have any of us said - "those people really make me stressed"? How many times have we made decisions based on "how people are making us feel crap"? We may have also regretted those decisions as when we look back we may have actually been blowing things out of proportion - catastrophising, or we may have been getting a bit paranoid about what we assume others may be thinking or doing behind our backs? Truth is WE create stress and anxiety - others dont make us stressed. If you think that then you think of yourself as a victim, feeling powerless. Its all about how we react to what's going on around us - how we CHOOSE to let ourselves be affected by our surroundings ie other people and other things.
We all have to manage our thinking properly - yes even us therapists. I have been known sometimes to say to my self "My head is killing me" when obviously its not. So I get some perspective on it... "Actually I just have a headache. If I take two paracetamol, a glass of water in 10 minutes it will be fine". Now if I had gone all morning thinking me head was killing me, or it felt like an electric cattle prod was banging away in my head, I would have spent the morning feeling stressed and anxious - and chances are my headache would have worsened.
We can all of us develop negative thinking styles from a very early age or from an event or episode in our lives - thinking styles such as paranoia, catastrophising, obsessing, helplessness, black/white thinking,hypervigilence, perfectionist etc - very easily but it can be a challenge sometimes to keep them managed and keep perspective on whats going on around you.
Its very easy sometimes to lose that perspective - be so close to something that you just cant see the wood for the trees. You dont necessarily have to have low self esteem or be socially phobic to take your eyes off the ball. But if you recognise that you are letting things "get on top of you" then take a step back and re-appraise what exactly is going on and how can "I" manage things differently.
The good news is that I can help you get that perspective back into YOUR life - and it doesnt matter if you run a multi-million pound company or if you work in the corner shop. Its important that we ALL manage our thinking... Call me now on 01234 313186, or email me at or visit my website HERE.
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